Tramlink Valencia
Vossloh (Stadler)
Five-car tram
Conceptual design
Exterior design
Interior design

This project was added to the boom in Valencia with the development of the City of Arts and Sciences and the presentation of the city as the greatest exponent of avant-garde architecture. Valencia sought to present itself to the world as an advanced city and wanted to promote public transport. It all started a few years before with the redesign of the metros, also in charge of us. And now it was time to sign the city with an outside vehicle, a tram that Valencia wanted advanced and compatible with the space it would travel.
Thus was born a vehicle with a lot of personality in which the "V" for Valencia can be read on the face of the train. With an exterior that is sympathetic to the architecture of the spanish architect, Calatrava, and an interior that uses the historical materials of local construction, creating a concept rooted in local history, but with an avant-garde aesthetic.